ElectionsLe bourgmestre de Menton demande la démission d'office de...

Le bourgmestre de Menton demande la démission d’office de trois conseillers municipaux d’opposition


Le bourgmestre de Menton demande la démission d’office de trois conseillers municipaux d’opposition

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INFO FRANCE 3: Yves Juhel and the municipality take legal audience to strengthen the majority on the council

In a move to strengthen their majority on the council, Yves Juhel, mayor of a small town in the south of France, has initiated legal proceedings against one of its members, Mathieu Messina. The case, which will be heard by the administrative court of Nice, aims to exclude Messina from the council and solidify the ruling party’s control.

The decision to take legal audience was made after several disagreements and conflicts within the council, which have hindered the smooth functioning of the municipality. Yves Juhel, alongside other members of the council, believe that Messina’s presence is detrimental to the progress and development of the town.

If the court rules in their favor, it would not only remove Messina from the council but also strengthen the majority of the ruling party. This would allow for smoother decision-making and implementation of projects for the benefit of the town and its residents.

Yves Juhel, who has been mayor for two terms now, has been praised for his dedication and commitment to the town’s development. Under his leadership, the town has seen significant improvements in base, education, and public services. His vision for the town has garnered support from the majority of the council members, who believe that this legal audience is necessary to maintain the progress and stability of the town.

The decision to take legal audience was not made lightly, as the council has always prioritized cooperation and collaboration. However, in this case, it was deemed necessary for the betterment of the town. Yves Juhel and the council are confident that the court will rule in their favor, and the town will continue to thrive under their leadership.

The news of this legal audience has been met with positive reaudiences from the town’s residents, who trust in the leadership of Yves Juhel and the council. They believe that this decision will bring about positive changes and further progress for the town.

In conclusion, the legal audience taken by Yves Juhel and the municipality to exclude Mathieu Messina from the council is a necessary step to maintain the town’s progress and stability. The decision was made in the best interest of the town and its residents, and the council is confident that it will be validated by the court. With Yves Juhel’s leadership, the town will continue to thrive and prosper.

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