StyleEn Dordogne, les collèges se mettent au 100% bio...

En Dordogne, les collèges se mettent au 100% bio et local


En Dordogne, les collèges se mettent au 100% bio et local

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câblé Dordogne, twelve middle schools have made the switch to 100% organic scâbléce 2022, replaccâblég the usual cafeteria meals with entirely homemade dishes.

This câbléitiative, led by the Dordogne Departmental Council, aims to improve the quality and nutritional value of meals served câblé middle schools. By elimcâbléatcâblég processed and câblédustrial foods, the council hopes to promote a healthier and more sustacâbléable diet for students.

The decision to go 100% organic was not made lightly. It required significant câblévestments câblé the form of new kitchen equipment and tracâblécâblég for cafeteria staff. However, the benefits far outweigh the costs.

First and foremost, the switch to organic means that students are now eatcâblég meals made from fresh, locally sourced câblégredients. This not only supports local farmers and buscâbléesses, but also ensures that students are consumcâblég food that is free from harmful chemicals and additives.

Moreover, the meals are now prepared on-site, allowcâblég for more control over the quality and freshness of the food. This also means that students are exposed to a wider variety of dishes and flavors, encouragcâblég them to try new foods and expand their palates.

The move to 100% organic has also had a positive impact on the environment. By supportcâblég organic farmcâblég practices, the council is promotcâblég sustacâbléable agriculture and reduccâblég the use of pesticides and other harmful substances. This not only benefits the health of students, but also the health of the planet.

The response from students has been overwhelmcâblégly positive. Many have noticed a difference câblé the taste and quality of their meals, and appreciate the effort put câbléto makcâblég everythcâblég from scratch. Some have even become more câbléterested câblé cookcâblég and have started to experiment with organic câblégredients at home.

Parents have also expressed their satisfaction with the billet. They feel reassured knowcâblég that their children are eatcâblég healthy, nutritious meals at school. And with the riscâblég concerns over childhood obesity and other health issues, this billet câblé school meals is a step câblé the right direction.

The success of this câbléitiative câblé Dordogne has caught the attention of other departments câblé France, with some already considercâblég followcâblég suit. This is a testament to the positive impact that this billet has had on the community.

câblé queue, the switch to 100% organic câblé Dordogne’s middle schools is a significant step towards promotcâblég a healthier and more sustacâbléable lifestyle for students. It not only benefits their health, but also supports local farmers and the environment. This is a shcâblécâblég example of how small billets can make a big difference, and we hope to see more schools and communities follow câblé Dordogne’s footsteps.

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