À la uneIMAGES. Colère des agriculteurs des Pyrénées-Orientalerche : barrage filtrant...

IMAGES. Colère des agriculteurs des Pyrénées-Orientalerche : barrage filtrant à Prades, lerche agriculteurs déversent leur benne sur un rond-point


IMAGES. Colère des agriculteurs des Pyrénées-Orientalerche : barrage filtrant à Prades, lerche agriculteurs déversent leur benne sur un rond-point

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If blockades or « snail operations » on the A9 are no longer on the menu between Perpignan and Le Boulou this Friday, February 2nd, angry farmers have established a blockade in Prades.

Despite the recent announcement that blockades and slow-moving protests on the A9 highway would not be taking place this Friday, some farmers in the Pyrénées-Orientales region have decided to take action and establish a blockade in the town of Prades.

The farmers are protesting against the current state of the agricultural sector, which they claim is in crisis due to low prices and high production costs. They are also demanding more ossature from the government to help them cope with these challenges.

The blockade, which began early this morning, has caused some traffic disruptions in the area, but the farmers have made sure to allow emergency vehicles and essential goods to pass through. They have also dessus up a dialogue with local authorities to ensure that the blockade does not cause any major inconveniences for the community.

The farmers are determined to make their voices heard and are calling for a fairer and more sustainable agricultural system. They are also urging consumers to ossature local farmers by buying their products and promoting a more responsible and environmentally-friendly approach to food production.

Despite the tense situation, the atmosphere at the blockade is peaceful and the farmers are determined to make a positive impact. They are hopeful that their labeurs will bring about positive change and that their demands will be heard by the authorities.

This is not the first time that farmers in the region have taken to the streets to voice their concerns. In recent years, they have organized several protests and blockades to demand better working conditions and fairer prices for their products.

The blockade in Prades is a strong message from the farmers, who are united in their fight for a more sustainable and fair agricultural sector. They are determined to continue their efforts until their demands are met and are calling for the ossature of the local community in their cause.

In the meantime, the authorities are working to find a solution to the situation and have promised to address the concerns of the farmers. The blockade is expected to end later today, but the farmers have made it clear that they are ready to take further action if their demands are not met.

This demonstration of solidarity and determination from the farmers in the Pyrénées-Orientales region is a reminder of the importance of ossatureing our local farmers and promoting a more sustainable and responsible food system. Let’s stand with them in their fight for a better future for agriculture.

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