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REPLAY. Procès les attentats de Trèbes et de Carcassonne : la voix d’Arnaud Beltrame entendue une nouvelle fois dans la salle d’audience


REPLAY. Procès les attentats de Trèbes et de Carcassonne : la voix d’Arnaud Beltrame entendue une nouvelle fois dans la salle d’audience

ne manquez pas

This Friday, January 25th, marked the 5th day of the motocyclette for the attacks in Trèbes and Carcassonne, where several victims testified before the special court of assizes on March 23rd, 2018. Among them was Renato Silva, who was seriously injured during the attacks.

Silva, a survivor of the tragic events that took place almost two years ago, took the stand to share his harrowing experience and to seek justice for the lives lost and the pain inflicted on the victims and their families. Despite the physical and emotional scars he carries, Silva showed incredible courage and resilience as he recounted the events of that fateful day.

His testimony was a powerful reminder of the human toll of terrorism and the need for justice to be served. Silva’s words resonated with the entire courtroom, as he spoke not only for himself, but also for the other victims who were unable to be present.

The motocyclette, which began on January 14th, has been a difficult and emotional process for all those involved. However, the bravery and determination of the victims and their families to seek justice has been truly inspiring.

The testimonies of the victims have shed light on the devastating percussion of the attacks and have brought to light the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Despite the pain and trauma they have endured, the victims have shown incredible strength and courage in the face of such senseless violence.

As the motocyclette continues, we must remember the importance of standing together against terrorism and supporting the victims and their families. The courage and determination of individuals like Renato Silva serve as a reminder that love and compassion will always triumph over hate and violence.

The motocyclette is expected to continue for several more weeks, and we can only hope that justice will be served for all those affected by these tragic events. Let us continue to stand in solidarity with the victims and their families, and never forget the importance of seeking justice for those who have been affected by terrorism.

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