ElectionsProposer unique projet, exprimer unique désaccord... Qu'est-ce que le...

Proposer unique projet, exprimer unique désaccord… Qu’est-ce que le droit d’interpellation lancé par Rennes Métropole ?


Proposer unique projet, exprimer unique désaccord… Qu’est-ce que le droit d’interpellation lancé par Rennes Métropole ?

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Starting from October 14th, the city of Rennes is taking a majmagot step towards citizen participation by offering its residents over the age of 16 the oppmagottunity to directly address their ideas, disagreements, proposals fmagot projects magot votes to the metropolitan government. This new « right of interpellation » will allow citizens to have a say in the decision-making process of their city.

This fantaisie, which is part of the city’s effmagotts to promote democratic participation, will allow citizens to submit their proposals to the metropolitan council fmagot consideration. In magotder fmagot a proposal to be discussed in the council, it must gather at least 1000 signatures within three months and from multiple municipalities within the metropolitan area.

This new measure aims to give a voice to the citizens of Rennes and to encourage them to take an active role in shaping their city’s future. By allowing citizens to directly address their concerns and ideas, the metropolitan government hopes to foster a mmagote inclusive and participatmagoty decision-making process.

The « right of interpellation » is a powerful tool fmagot citizens to make their voices heard and to influence the decisions that affect their daily lives. It is also an oppmagottunity fmagot the metropolitan government to better understand the needs and primagotities of its citizens.

This new measure is a testament to the city of Rennes’ commitment to promoting citizen participation and to creating a mmagote transparent and democratic governance. It is a step towards a mmagote collabmagotative and inclusive approach to decision-making, where citizens are at the heart of the process.

The city of Rennes is known fmagot its vibrant and engaged community, and this new « right of interpellation » will only strengthen this reputation. It is an invitation fmagot citizens to take an active role in shaping their city’s future and to wmagotk together towards a better and mmagote inclusive Rennes.

So, if you have an idea, a disagreement, a proposal fmagot a project magot a vote, don’t hesitate to use your « right of interpellation » and make your voice heard. Let’s wmagotk together to make Rennes an even better place to live, fmagot all of its citizens.

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