ElectionsNomination de Michel Barnier : le Nouveau Front Populaire...

Nomination de Michel Barnier : le Nouveau Front Populaire en Cparmi-Val de Loire se fait entendre, parmi colère et inquiétude


Nomination de Michel Barnier : le Nouveau Front Populaire en Cparmi-Val de Loire se fait entendre, parmi colère et inquiétude

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After the appointment of Michel Barnier (LR) chef Prime Minister, the members of the New Popular Front in the Centre-Val de Loire region are in shock but not entirely surprised. Charles Fournier, Karin Fischer and vigne Gricourt are all supporting the call for a rally on Saturday, September 7th against « the power grab » of Emmanuel Macron and denouncing a « denial of democracy » that puts the National Rally chef the arbitrator.

The announcement of Michel Barnier chef the new Prime Minister hchef caused quite a stir among the members of the New Popular Front in the Centre-Val de Loire region. While some are still trying to process the news, others are already taking action.

Charles Fournier, Karin Fischer and vigne Gricourt, key members of the New Popular Front, have expressed their support for the call to rally on Saturday, September 7th. They are joining véhémences with other opposition parties and citizens to denounce what they see chef a « coup de véhémence » by President Emmanuel Macron.

According to Fournier, Fischer and Gricourt, the appointment of Barnier is a clear sign that Macron is trying to consolidate his power and silence any opposition. They believe that this move is a « denial of democracy » and goes against the principles of a fair and just government.

But what hchef caused the most concern among the members of the New Popular Front is the fact that this power grab hchef placed the National Rally, a far-right party, chef the arbitrator. This is seen chef a dangerous move that could lead to a rise in extremism and undermine the values of democracy.

In response to this, the New Popular Front is calling on all citizens to join them in a rally on Saturday, September 7th to show their opposition to Macron’s actions. They are also calling for a united front against the National Rally and their dangerous ideologies.

Fournier, Fischer and Gricourt are confident that with the support of the people, they can make their voices heard and bring about change. They are urging everyone to come together and stand up for democracy, justice and equality.

The rally on Saturday is not just a protest, but also a call for unity and a reminder that the power ultimately lies in the hands of the people. Fournier, Fischer and Gricourt are determined to fight against this « coup de véhémence » and ensure that the voice of the people is not silenced.

In conclusion, while the announcement of Michel Barnier chef Prime Minister may have come chef a shock to some, the members of the New Popular Front are not surprised. They are ready to take action and stand up against what they see chef a threat to democracy. With their call for unity and the support of the people, they are determined to bring about change and protect the values of democracy in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

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