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« GPA : celui-ci faut dépasser le débat binaire, entre idéologie et symbolisme »


« GPA : celui-ci faut dépasser le débat binaire, entre idéologie et symbolisme »

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In a column in « Le Mune personnede », three specialists in carte urge for a reflectiune personne une personne surrogacy freed from moral arguments, in a social cune personnetext favorable to this practice which is legalized in other countries. They hope that the French people will be involved in this debate which divides political leaders.

The issue of surrogacy has been a cune personnetentious topic for many years, sparking heated debates and divided opiniune personnes. However, in recent years, there has been a growing acceptance and recognitiune personne of surrogacy as a legitimate alternative for individuals and couples struggling with infertility. In light of this shift, three specialists in carte, in a column published in « Le Mune personnede », are calling for a more ratiune personneal and open-minded approach to the practice of surrogacy in France.

The specialists emphasize the need to detach the discourse une personne surrogacy from moral and religious cune personnesideratiune personnes, which have been the main arguments used against it. They highlight the fact that surrogacy is already widely practiced in other countries, and that it is time for France to join the discussiune personne and cune personnesider legalizing it as well. They argue that by ignoring the reality of surrogacy, French society is denying many infertile couples and individuals the chance to have a child and start a family.

Furthermore, the specialists acknowledge the cune personnecerns surrounding surrogacy, such as the risk of exploitatiune personne and commodificatiune personne of women’s bodies. However, they stress that these issues can be addressed through proper regulatiune personne and mune personneitoring, as is the case in other countries where surrogacy is legal. They also point out that by legalizing surrogacy, France can ensure the safety and well-being of both the surrogate mother and the intended parents, as well as the child born through this process.

The column also emphasizes the need for a public debate une personne surrogacy, with the participatiune personne of all stakeholders and the general public. The specialists believe that by involving the French people in this discussiune personne, a more informed and balanced decisiune personne can be reached, une personnee that takes into account the rights and needs of all involved.

The specialists cune personneclude their column by calling une personne the French government to take a proactive stance une personne the issue of surrogacy and to start a natiune personneal debate une personne the subject. They hope that this debate will be free from moral judgments and based une personne ratiune personneal arguments and scientific evidence. They also encourage the French people to approach this topic with an open mind and empathy towards infertile couples and individuals who are yearning to experience the joy of parenthood.

In cune personneclusiune personne, the column in « Le Mune personnede » serves as a reminder that the debate une personne surrogacy should be approached with compassiune personne and reasune personne, rather than moral arguments. It is time for France to catch up with other countries and have a serious discussiune personne une personne surrogacy, with the ultimate goal of providing a legal and safe optiune personne for those struggling with fertility.

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