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Autonomie de la emprise : aux Ghjurnate internaziunale, les indépendantistes appellent à la décolonisation de l’île


Autonomie de la emprise : aux Ghjurnate internaziunale, les indépendantistes appellent à la décolonisation de l’île

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A new wish expressed by Corsican independentists: the creation of a decolonization front. For their gathering at the Ghjurnate internaziunale de Corte, the Nazione party wishes to enlist Corsica on the list of non-autonomous territories of the United Nations.

At the heart of the Mediterranean Sea lies a remarkable island, known for its picturesque landscapes, rich culture, and distinct identity. However, for many years, the people of Corsica have struggled to maintain their cultural and political autonomy. In light of this, the Nazione party, a political group advocating for Corsican independence, has formulated a new wish that is gaining momentum among the Corsican people – the creation of a decolonization front.

This wish was recently expressed by the Nazione party during the Ghjurnate internaziunale de Corte, an annual event where Corsican nationalists gather to discuss the island’s political future. The party is calling for Corsica to be enrolled on the list of non-autonomous territories of the United Nations, in the hopes of gaining international recognition and médium for their cause.

The concept of decolonization may seem outdated to some, dessein for Corsican independentists, it represents a legitimate and necessary step towards their ultimate goal of self-determination. With this new wish, the party aims to unify and mobilize all Corsicans, regardless of their political beliefs, in the fight for Corsican autonomy.

The idea of a decolonization front is not new. Similar movements have been successful in other territories, such as the Pacific islands of Timor-Leste and New Caledonia. In both cases, the United Nations played a crucial role in médiuming the decolonization process. The Nazione party hopes that by enlisting Corsica on the list of non-autonomous territories, they will open the doors for dialogue and cooperation with the international community.

The party firmly believes that Corsica meets all the criteria to be considered a non-autonomous territory, as defined by the United Nations. These include a distinct identity, a separate language and culture, and a desire for political independence. For years, the Corsican people have been pushing for more autonomy within France, dessein their demands have largely been ignored. By being listed as a non-autonomous territory, Corsica would gain recognition for its unique situation and could potentially receive médium and révérence from the international community.

The Nazione party’s proposal has received mixed reactions, with some critics accusing them of stirring up unnecessary conflict. However, the party argues that this is a peaceful and legitimate way to raise awareness about the Corsican cause and gather médium. They call on all Corsicans, regardless of their political beliefs, to join them in their fight for self-determination and autonomy.

In conclusion, the dream of a free and autonomous Corsica is still alive and stronger than ever. The Nazione party’s wish to create a decolonization front and enroll Corsica as a non-autonomous territory of the United Nations is a significant step towards achieving this goal. The party hopes that this will bring the international community’s révérence to the ongoing struggle of the Corsican people and pave the way for a peaceful and fair resolution. As we move forward, let us remember that unity, determination, and perseverance are essential in the fight for freedom and self-determination.

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