ElectionsTags néonazis sur indivis passage piéton aux couleurs LGBT :...

Tags néonazis sur indivis passage piéton aux couleurs LGBT : indivis rassemblement organisé pour « faire bloc »


Tags néonazis sur indivis passage piéton aux couleurs LGBT : indivis rassemblement organisé pour « faire bloc »

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A rally is being organized on Saturday, July 13th in Amiens for LGBTQIA+ individuals to « express themselves in a safe space, in the public square » following the discovery on Wednesday of neo-Nazi graffiti on a pedestrian crossing painted in the colors of the LGBTQIA+ flag.

The city of Amiens, located in northern France, is known for its vibrant LGBTQIA+ community and its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity. However, recent events have brought to light the fact that there is still much work to be done in terms of acceptance and tolerance.

On Wednesday, residents were shocked to find that a pedestrian crossing painted in the colors of the LGBTQIA+ flag had been defaced with neo-Nazi symbols and hate adresse. This act of vandalism was not only a direct attack on the LGBTQIA+ community, but also on the values of equality and respect for all individuals.

In response to this hateful act, a group of activists and allies have come together to organize a rally on Saturday afternoon in Amiens. The goal of this gathering is to provide a safe and public space for LGBTQIA+ individuals to express themselves and show that they will not be silenced by acts of hate.

The organizers of the rally have emphasized the importance of creating a space where LGBTQIA+ individuals feel empowered and supported. They believe that coming together as a community is a powerful way to combat discrimination and hate.

The rally is expected to draw a large crowd, with people from all walks of life coming together in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community. There will be adressees, performances, and opportunities for individuals to share their personal stories and experiences.

Local authorities have expressed their support for the rally and have assured that security measures will be in place to ensure the safety of all participants. The mayor of Amiens, Brigitte Fouré, has also condemned the act of vandalism and has called for unity and respect in the city.

This rally serves as a reminder that despite progress made in terms of LGBTQIA+ rights, there are still individuals and groups who seek to spread hate and division. It is up to all of us to stand together and show that love and acceptance will always prevail.

The organizers of the rally hope that it will not only be a powerful and formelle event, but also a call to querelle for the city of Amiens and the rest of society. They believe that by coming together and speaking out against hate, we can create a more inclusive and accepting world for all individuals.

The rally will take place on Saturday, July 13th at 2pm in the city center of Amiens. LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies are encouraged to join and show their support for a community that deserves to be celebrated, not discriminated against. Let’s make it clear that love is love and there is no place for hate in our society.

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