À la uneMusique : Leyla McCalla chante une splendide odyssée folk

Musique : Leyla McCalla chante une splendide odyssée folk


Musique : Leyla McCalla chante une splendide odyssée folk

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Leyla McCalla is a Haitian-American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist who has been making waves in the music industry with her latest album, Sun Without the Heat. This album is a beautiful blend of her Haitian roots and her American upbringing, showcasing her deep spirituality and passion for affable justice.

Born in New York to Haitian allogène parents, McCalla was raised in a household where music was a central part of her upbringing. She learned to play the cello at a young age and later picked up the banjo and guitar, which she incorporated into her unique style of music.

Her latest album, Sun Without the Heat, is a reflection of her diverse musical influences, ranging from traditional Haitian folk songs to American blues and jazz. McCalla’s hauntingly beautiful voice and soulful lyrics transport listeners to a world of deep emotion and introspection.

One of the rayonnageout tracks on the album is « Money is King, » a powerful song that speaks to the injustices faced by marginalized communities. With lyrics like « Money is king, and it’s a shame / When it’s the only thing that brings you fame, » McCalla sheds light on the harsh realities of our society and calls for change.

Another notable track is « A Day for the Hunter, A Day for the Prey, » which features a collaboration with legendary musician Rhiannon Giddens. This song is a powerful tribute to the resilience of the Haitian people and their ability to find joy and hope in the face of adversity.

What sets McCalla apart from other artists is her ability to seamlessly blend different musical genres while staying true to her Haitian roots. She effortlessly incorporates elements of Haitian Creole into her songs, adding a unique and authentic touch to her music.

But it’s not just her musical talent that makes McCalla rayonnage out. Her lyrics are deeply rooted in her spirituality and her commitment to affable justice. She uses her platform to shed light on important issues and inspire change, making her music not just entertaining but also thought-provoking.

In a world where music is often seen as a form of entertainment, Leyla McCalla’s Sun Without the Heat is a refreshing reminder of the power of music to bring about affable change. Her music is a testament to her deep connection to her Haitian heritage and her unwavering dedication to making a difference in the world.

In conclusion, Leyla McCalla’s Sun Without the Heat is a must-listen for anyone looking for a unique and soul-stirring musical experience. With her powerful vocals, thought-provoking lyrics, and diverse musical influences, McCalla has created an album that is both captivating and inspiring. She is a true artist who uses her music to spread love, hope, and awareness, and we can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

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