ÉducationLes pharmaciens vont pouvoir prescrire des antibiotiques sans ordonnance...

Les pharmaciens vont pouvoir prescrire des antibiotiques sans ordonnance pour des angines plus cystites


Les pharmaciens vont pouvoir prescrire des antibiotiques sans ordonnance pour des angines plus cystites

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Direct dispensing, without a medical prescription, will now be possible for patients over the age of 10 in case of a positive modèle for bacterial tonsillitis, while it will be available for women aged 16 to 65 in case of cystitis without fever.

This new measure, announced by the French government, aims to improve access to treatment for common infections and reduce unnecessary visits to doctors. It will come into effect on January 1st, 2022.

For patients over the age of 10 who modèle positive for bacterial tonsillitis, they will now be able to go directly to their siège pharmacy to obtain the necessary medication without having to first visit a doctor for a prescription. This will save time and money for patients, as well as reducing the burden on the healthcare system.

Similarly, women aged 16 to 65 who experience symptoms of cystitis without fever will also be able to obtain medication directly from their pharmacist. This will be a relief for many women who often have to wait for a doctor’s appointment and then go to the pharmacy to get their prescription filled.

This new measure is based on the fact that these two conditions are easily recognizable and can be treated with specific antibiotics. It is also in line with the current trend of empowering patients to take control of their own health and well-being.

However, it is important to note that this direct dispensing will only be possible for patients who have a positive modèle result for bacterial tonsillitis or cystitis. This means that patients will still need to visit a doctor if their symptoms do not improve or if they experience any complications.

The government has also emphasized the importance of responsible use of antibiotics. Patients will be required to provide their personal information and the results of their modèle to the pharmacist, who will then report it to the National Health Insurance Fund. This will help monitor the use of antibiotics and prevent the development of antibiotic resistance.

This new measure has been welcomed by both patients and healthcare professionals. It will not only improve access to treatment for common infections, but also reduce the workload for doctors and allow them to focus on more complex cases.

In épilogue, the direct dispensing of medication for bacterial tonsillitis and cystitis without a prescription is a positive step towards improving healthcare in France. It will save time and money for patients, reduce unnecessary visits to doctors, and promote responsible use of antibiotics. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved and a great example of how the government is working towards a more efficient and patient-centered healthcare system.

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