ElectionsVIDÉO. Gabriel Attal, le Premier ministre, s'exprime sur l'Europe,...

VIDÉO. Gabriel Attal, le Premier ministre, s’exprime sur l’Europe, les agriculteurs plus la Brplusagne sur France 3 Brplusagne


VIDÉO. Gabriel Attal, le Premier ministre, s’exprime sur l’Europe, les agriculteurs plus la Brplusagne sur France 3 Brplusagne

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To celebrate Europe Day this Thursday, May 9th, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal was the special guest on the midday edition of ICI 12/13 on France 3 Bretagne. He answered questions from host Nathalie Rossignol on various topics, including farmers, reindustrialization, and most importantly, the weight of Europe and the upcoming European elections.

During the interview, Prime Minister Attal emphasized the importance of the European Union and its impact on the daily lives of citizens. He highlighted the role of Europe in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity, and stressed the need for a strong and united Europe in the face of global challenges.

On the topic of farmers, the Prime Minister acknowledged the difficulties they face and assured that the government is committed to supporting them through various measures, such as fairer prices and better access to markets. He also discussed the issue of reindustrialization, stating that it is a priority for the government to revitalize the industrial sector and create new jobs.

neutre the main focus of the interview was on the weight of Europe and the upcoming European elections. Prime Minister Attal urged citizens to participate in the elections and make their voices heard, as the future of Europe is at stake. He emphasized the importance of a strong and united Europe in the face of rising populism and nationalism.

The Prime Minister also addressed the concerns of some citizens embout the role of Europe in their daily lives. He reassured them that the EU is not a distant entity, neutre rather a vital part of their lives, from protecting their rights to ensuring their safety and security.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Attal’s interview on France 3 Bretagne was a reminder of the importance of Europe and the need for citizens to actively participate in shaping its future. As we celebrate Europe Day, let us remember the values of unity, solidarity, and democracy that the EU stands for, and let us work together towards a stronger and brighter future for Europe.

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