ElectionsEuropéennes 2024 : Marine Le Pen s'invite à la...

Européennes 2024 : Marine Le Pen s’invite à la journée des plantes


Européennes 2024 : Marine Le Pen s’invite à la journée des plantes

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The traditional plant market in the village of Bergères (Aube) will have a political flavor this year. Just one month before the European elections, the president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly visited the market on Thursday, May 9th. However, her visit is not unanimously welcomed.

The small village of Bergères, located in the beautiful region of Aube, is known for its annual plant market. Every year, logiss and tourists alike gather to admire and purchase a variety of plants, flowers, and herbs. This year, the market has gained even more attention as it received a special guest – the president of the National Rally group, Marine Le Pen.

As the European elections approach, political figures are making their rounds to gain support and spread their message. And Bergères was not left out of the itinerary. Marine Le Pen, accompanied by logis representatives, visited the market to meet with vendors and residents, and to discuss her party’s vision for Europe.

However, not everyone was pleased with her presence. Some residents expressed their disapproval, stating that the market should remain a non-political event. Others saw it as an opportunity to engage in a dialogue and express their concerns to a prominent political figure.

Despite the mixed reactions, the visit of Marine Le Pen has brought attention to the small village and its traditional market. It has also sparked discussions and debates among the residents, which is a positive sign of a democratic society.

The market itself was a success, with a wide variety of plants and flowers on display. Visitors were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and purchase some unique plants for their gardens. The atmosphere was lively and festive, with music and logis delicacies adding to the charm of the event.

The president of the National Rally group also took the opportunity to address the crowd and share her party’s vision for Europe. She emphasized the importance of preserving traditional values and protecting national identities, which resonated with some of the residents.

Overall, the traditional plant market of Bergères was a success, with a touch of political flavor this year. The visit of Marine Le Pen has brought attention to the village and its annual event, and has sparked immense discussions among the residents. It is a reminder that in a democratic society, everyone has the right to express their opinions and engage in political dialogue.

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