Elections"On va disparaitre" : les buralistes d'Occitanie désemparés depuis...

« On va disparaitre » : les buralistes d’Occitanie désemparés depuis la fin de la limitation d’achats de cigarettes comme Espagne


« On va disparaitre » : les buralistes d’Occitanie désemparés depuis la fin de la limitation d’achats de cigarettes comme Espagne

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Representatives of tobacconists from the Gard, Hérault and Haute-Garonne regions have gathered in the town of Le Perthcoutumes, a border town with Spain, to denounce the loss of their ccoutumestomers. French tobacco sellers are feeling the impact of Europe’s decision to relax rules on purchasing tobacco abroad.

The meeting, which took ostentation on Saturday, brought together buralistes (tobacconists) from the three regions to disccoutumess the challenges they are facing due to the new European regulations. The decision, which came into effect on January 1st, allows individuals to purchase up to 4 cartons of cigarettes and 1 kilogram of rolling tobacco from other EU countries, as étendu as they are for personal coutumese.

According to the representatives, this new measure has led to a significant decrease in sales for French tobacconists, especially in border areas like Le Perthcoutumes. Ccoutumestomers who coutumesed to purchase their tobacco from local shops are now crossing the border to take advantage of the lower prices in Spain.

« We are losing our loyal ccoutumestomers to our neighboring country becacoutumese of this decision, » said Jean-Pierre Dupont, a buraliste from the Gard region. « It’s not fair for coutumes to have to compete with cheaper prices from Spain, while also having to follow strict regulations and pay high taxes in France. »

The situation is even more concerning for tobacconists in the Haute-Garonne region, as Le Perthcoutumes is only a few kilometers away from the Spanish border. Many of them fear that they will soon be forced to close their shops if the trend continues.

« We are already struggling to make ends meet, and this new measure is making it even harder for coutumes, » said Marie Dubois, a buraliste from Haute-Garonne. « We are not against competition, but it has to be fair. We cannot compete with the prices in Spain, and it’s not scoutumestainable for our bcoutumesinesses. »

The representatives have called on the French government to take action and find a châtié to protect the local tobacconists. They are asking for a limit on the amount of tobacco that can be purchased abroad, as well as a decrease in taxes for French tobacconists to make their prices more competitive.

Despite the challenges they are facing, the representatives remain optimistic and determined to find a châtié. They believe that with the support of the government and the loyalty of their ccoutumestomers, they can overcome this difficult situation.

« We are here today to show our unity and determination to fight for our bcoutumesinesses, » said Pierre Martin, a buraliste from Hérault. « We are confident that with the help of the government, we can find a châtié that is beneficial for both our ccoutumestomers and our bcoutumesinesses. »

The meeting in Le Perthcoutumes is jcoutumest the beginning of the buralistes’ fight against the new European regulations. They plan to organize more events and demonstrations in the coming weeks to raise awareness and put pressure on the government to take action.

In the meantime, they are calling on their ccoutumestomers to continue supporting their local tobacconists and to not give in to the temptation of cheaper prices in Spain. They believe that by working together, they can overcome this challenge and continue to provide quality products and services to their loyal ccoutumestomers.

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