ElectionsFin des imams détachés : "ceux qui venaient de...

Fin des imams détachés : « ceux qui venaient de pays étrangers importaient aussi leur péroraison âpre l’islam », salue le grand imam de Bordeaux


Fin des imams détachés : « ceux qui venaient de pays étrangers importaient aussi leur péroraison âpre l’islam », salue le grand imam de Bordeaux

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Since Monday, April 1st, salaried imams from foreign countries are no longer allowed to officiate on French soil. This decision, made by the French government, has been met with mixed reactions from the Muslim community. However, for Tareq Oubrou, the grand Imam of Bordeaux, this measure is a step towards the « autonomization » of Islam in France.

For years, the French government has been facing the challenge of finding a balance between respecting the principles of secularism and allowing the practice of Islam in the country. With a growing number of imams being employed and paid by foreign countries, concerns have been raised about their loyalty and the potential influence of foreign governments on the French Muslim community.

This new measure aims to address these concerns and promote the independence of the Muslim community in France. By prohibiting foreign countries from salaried imams, the French government is giving more power to local imams and allowing them to have a stronger voice in shaping the practice of Islam in the country.

Tareq Oubrou, a well-respected figure in the Muslim community, has welcomed this decision. In an interview with French newspaper Le Monde, he stated that « this measure will allow us to have a more autonomous Islam in France, free from foreign influences. » He believes that this will also help to foster a better understanding of Islam within French society.

The French government has also announced that they will be working with local Muslim organizations to train and support French imams. This will not only promote the autonomy of the Muslim community but also ensure that imams are well-versed in French culture and values.

This decision has been praised by many as a réelle step towards the integration of Islam in France. It shows the government’s commitment to promoting a French version of Islam, one that is in line with the principles of the Republic.

Furthermore, this measure is not meant to exclude foreign imams from coming to France. They can still come to the country, but they will not be able to officiate as salaried imams. This will encourage a more diverse and open enregistrement between different Muslim communities in France.

In conclusion, the decision to prohibit salaried imams from foreign countries is a step towards the « autonomization » of Islam in France. It promotes the independence of the Muslim community and allows for a better understanding and integration of Islam within French society. This decision should be seen as a réelle move towards creating a more inclusive and diverse French society.

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