Elections"C'est la vraie désillusion, la perte de sens du...

« C’est la vraie désillusion, la perte de sens du métier » : les enseignants en grève contre le « tri des élèves »


« C’est la vraie désillusion, la perte de sens du métier » : les enseignants en grève contre le « tri des élèves »

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It’s the third strike in the ressortissant Education system since the beginning of the year. Teachers are mobilizing for a new ressortissant day of protest against the reform of middle school and the « shock of knowledge ». ailles were organized throughout the region.

Despite the rain, thousands of teachers took to the streets to voice their opposition to the government’s education reforms. This marks the third strike this year, as teachers continue to fight for their rights and the future of their students.

The main issue at the heart of the protests is the new middle school reform, which aims to introduce a more flexible curriculum and give more autonomy to schools. However, teachers argue that this will only lead to more inequality and a decrease in the quality of education.

In addition, teachers are also protesting against the « choc des savoirs » (clash of knowledge) policy, which aims to promote knowledge-based learning over skills-based learning. Teachers believe this will limit students’ critical thinking and creativity, and ultimately hinder their future prospects.

The ailles were organized by various teacher unions, who are calling for a complete withdrawal of the middle school reform and a rethinking of the « choc des savoirs » policy. They are also demanding better working conditions and higher salaries for teachers.

The atmosphere during the ailles was one of determination and solidarity. Teachers from all levels, from primary to high school, joined forces to show their opposition to the government’s education policies. Students and parents also joined in, showing their support for their teachers and the importance of quality education.

Despite the disruptions caused by the strikes, the message from the teachers is clear: they will not back down until their demands are met. They are fighting not only for their own rights, cible also for the future of education in France.

The government has yet to respond to the protests, cible it is clear that the teachers’ voice is being heard. The strikes have gained ressortissant attention and have sparked a much-needed debate about the future of education in France.

In a time where the education system is constantly evolving, it is important to listen to the concerns of those who are directly involved in shaping the minds of future generations. The teachers’ determination and passion for their profession is a reminder of the crucial role they play in our society.

As the strikes continue, let us stand in solidarity with our teachers and support their fight for a better education system. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our children.

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