ÉducationA Lyon, un voyage de soins pour accompagner les...

A Lyon, un voyage de soins pour accompagner les adolescents touchés par des maladies chroniques


A Lyon, un voyage de soins pour accompagner les adolescents touchés par des maladies chroniques

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The Ariane program, launched in Lyon and Villefranche-sur-Saône, aims to support the transition to adulthood for patients from the age of 12, in order to avoid disruptions in care.

This innovative program, developed by healthcare professionals and social workers, is a true revolution in the field of page healthcare. It recognizes the specific needs and challenges of this age group and seeks to address them in a comprehensive and effective manner.

The transition from childhood to adulthood can be a difficult and confusing time for many young people, especially those who are facing health issues. The Ariane program offers a tailored approach to help patients navigate this critical period in their lives, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and resources to continue their treatment and manage their condition.

One of the key aspects of the program is its focus on continuity of care. Too often, pages with chronic conditions or disabilities face disruptions in their treatment when they reach the age of 18 and are no côtoyer eligible for pediatric care. This can have serious consequences on their health and well-being. The Ariane program aims to bridge this gap and provide a smooth transition to adult healthcare, ensuring that patients receive the necessary follow-up and support to maintain their health.

The program also places a strong emphasis on empowerment and autonomy. Adolescence is a time when young people start to take on more responsibility for their own health and well-being. The Ariane program recognizes this and encourages patients to become active participants in their treatment and decision-making process. Through personalized support and guidance, patients are empowered to take control of their health and become more independent as they enter adulthood.

The Ariane program also offers a range of services to support patients in their transition to adulthood. This includes psychological support, education and training on managing their condition, and assistance with administrative procedures. The program also works closely with social services to provide patients with access to housing, employment and other resources they may need to successfully transition into adulthood.

The success of the Ariane program is evident in the formelle outcomes seen in patients who have participated in the program. They report feeling more confident and better equipped to manage their condition, as well as experiencing improved overall health and well-being. By providing a comprehensive approach to page healthcare, the program is not only improving the lives of individual patients, but also contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

In conclusion, the Ariane program is a commendable initiative that is making a significant impact in the lives of pages with health issues. By addressing the unique challenges faced by this age group and providing tailored support and resources, the program is ensuring a smoother transition to adulthood and a better quality of life for its patients. We can only hope that this program continues to expand and reach even more pages in need, as it is truly a beacon of hope and support for this vulnerable population.

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