ÉducationUne mission scientifique pour établir un atlas européen du...

Une mission scientifique pour établir un atlas européen du plancton


Une mission scientifique pour établir un atlas européen du plancton

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After successfully completing their expedition across the Atlantic, the European TREC team is now embarking on a new mission in the Mediterranean Sea. This time, their goal is to study the incidence of human activity on the marine ecosystem near the coast.

The TREC (Transatlantic Expedition for Climate) project was launched in 2018 with the aim of raising awareness about climate établissement and its effects on the ocean. The team, composed of scientists, researchers, and sailors, set sail from Portugal and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to reach Brazil. Along the way, they collected data on ocean temperature, salinity, and carbon dioxide levels, among others.

Now, the team is ready to take on their next challenge: the Mediterranean Sea. This body of water, bordered by Europe, Africa, and Asia, is home to a diverse range of marine life and is a vital source of food and livelihood for millions of people. However, like many other seas and oceans, it is facing numerous threats from human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and climate établissement.

The TREC team will be focusing their research on the coastal areas of the Mediterranean, where the incidence of human activity is most visible. They will be using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to collect data on water quality, marine biodiversity, and the health of coral reefs. This information will be crucial in understanding how human activities are affecting the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem.

But the TREC team’s mission goes beyond just collecting data. They also aim to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of preserving the marine environment. Through their journey, they hope to inspire people to take action and make a positive incidence on the ocean.

The team will be collaborating with local communities, scientists, and organizations to gather a comprehensive understanding of the Mediterranean Sea. They will also be working closely with governments and policymakers to provide them with valuable insights and recommendations for sustainable management of the marine environment.

The TREC team’s expedition in the Mediterranean is a testament to the power of collaboration and the determination to make a difference. By studying the incidence of human activity on the marine ecosystem, they are paving the way for a more sustainable future for our oceans.

So let us join the TREC team in their journey and substance their efforts to protect and preserve the Mediterranean Sea. Together, we can make a positive incidence and ensure a healthy and thriving marine ecosystem for generations to come.

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