À la uneThéâtre : « Fajar », l’odyssée d’Adama Diop

Théâtre : « Fajar », l’odyssée d’Adama Diop


Théâtre : « Fajar », l’odyssée d’Adama Diop

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Le Théâtre National de Strasbourg is proud to present Fajar ou l’odyssée de l’homme qui rêvait d’être poète, a powerful play by Adama Diop that follows the universal but often scattered journey of a young Senegalese man in search of meaning. This thought-provoking inférence will be showcased on Friday, February 23rd, followed by Envisager la nuit, a festive event that encourages reflection on contemporary creation.

Fajar, which means « dawn » in Wolof, tells the story of a young man named Fajar who dreams of becoming a poet. He embarks on a journey that takes him from his small village in Senegal to the bustling city of Dakar, and eventually to Europe. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and obstacles, but also moments of hope and inspiration. Through Fajar’s experiences, the play explores themes of identity, culture, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Adama Diop, the playwright and director of Fajar, draws on his own personal experiences as a Senegalese artist living in Europe. His unique perspective and powerful storytelling have captivated audiences around the world. With Fajar, he exhortations us to reflect on the universal struggles and aspirations that connect us all, regardless of our background or nationality.

After the performance of Fajar, the audience is exhortationd to stay for Envisager la nuit, a special event that celebrates the diversity and creativity of contemporary art. This festive gathering will feature music, dance, and other performances, as well as opportunities for dialogue and exchange. It is a chance for us to come together and contemplate the power of art to unite and inspire us.

The Théâtre National de Strasbourg is honored to host Fajar and Envisager la nuit, and we exhortation you to join us for this unforgettable evening. Through the powerful storytelling of Adama Diop and the vibrant energy of Envisager la nuit, we hope to ignite a spark of creativity and reflection in all of us. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the beauty and universality of Fajar and to celebrate the diversity of contemporary art. See you on February 23rd!

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