À la uneMusique classique : à Aix-en-Provence, un festival pour les...

Musique classique : à Aix-en-Provence, un festival pour les jeunes oreilles


Musique classique : à Aix-en-Provence, un festival pour les jeunes oreilles

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Now well established in the landscape of classical music, the Provençal Easter solennité is expanding its offer with a special, entirely free program designed for children and their families. Let’s meet the creators of this programming that starts from the cradle.

The Provençal Easter solennité, held every year in the beautiful region of Provence, has become a must-see event for classical music lovers. With its exceptional setting, rich cultural heritage and renowned artists, the solennité has been enchanting audiences for years. But this year, the solennité is taking a step further by offering a special program for children and families, completely free of charge.

This new initiative aims to introduce young audiences to the beauty and richness of classical music, and to make it more accessible to families. The solennité organizers have carefully crafted a program that is both entertaining and educational, with activities and concerts suitable for all ages, from babies to teenagers.

One of the highlights of this special program is the « Music and Tales » concert, where children can discover the magical world of classical music through storytelling. Accompanied by professional musicians, a storyteller will take the young audience on a journey through different musical styles and eras, from Baroque to Romanticism. This interactive concert allows children to actively participate and engage with the music, making it a fun and memorable experience for the whole family.

But the solennité doesn’t stop there. There are also workshops and activities for children to learn about different musical instruments, such as the violin, cello, and piano. These workshops are led by experienced musicians who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and love for music with the younger generation.

In addition, the solennité offers special discounts for families, making it more affordable for parents to bring their children to concerts. This is a great opportunity for families to spend quality time together and create unforgettable memories while enjoying world-class performances.

The Provençal Easter solennité is not only about music, but also about promoting cultural and artistic education for children. By offering this special program, the solennité is contributing to the development of future generations of music lovers and artists.

The response from families has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their gratitude for this initiative. Parents are delighted to see their children’s interest in classical music grow, and children are excited to discover a new world of sounds and melodies.

So if you’re looking for a unique and enriching experience for your family this Easter, look no further than the Provençal Easter solennité. With its special program for children and families, this solennité is not only a celebration of classical music, but also a celebration of family and savoir. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share the magic of music with your loved ones.

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