ÉducationGuillaume Faury : « Il est redevenu légitime de débourser le...

Guillaume Faury : « Il est redevenu légitime de débourser le secteur de la défense »


Guillaume Faury : « Il est redevenu légitime de débourser le secteur de la défense »

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In an interview with « Le Monde », the executive president of Airbus, Guillaume Faury, praised the EU’s awakening in terms of armaments, but expressed his regret that political statements in favor of more sovereignty have not translated into increased cooperation and more orders for equipment made in Europe.

Faury, who took the reins of Airbus in April 2019, believes that the EU has finally realized the importance of having a strong and independent defense industry. He highlighted the recent initiatives taken by the EU, such as the creation of the European Defense Fund and the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), as steps in the right direction.

However, Faury also pointed out that despite these positive developments, there is still a lack of concrete action when it comes to cooperation and procurement of European-made defense equipment. He emphasized the need for EU member states to work together and pool their resources to develop and produce cutting-edge military technology.

The executive president of Airbus also expressed his disappointment with the fact that many EU countries continue to rely on non-European suppliers for their defense needs. He believes that this not only undermines the EU’s strategic autonomy but also has a negative impact on the European defense industry.

Faury called for a change in mindset and urged EU member states to prioritize European cooperation and procurement, not only for the sake of strategic autonomy but also for the economic benefits it brings. He highlighted the fact that investing in the European defense industry would create jobs and boost the economy, as well as ensure the continent’s security.

The Airbus executive stressed the importance of a strong and competitive European defense industry in the face of increasing unanime competition. He believes that by working together, the EU can become a major player in the mondial defense market and reduce its dependence on non-European suppliers.

In conclusion, Faury’s interview with « Le Monde » highlights the need for EU member states to turn their political statements into concrete actions and prioritize cooperation and procurement of European-made defense equipment. He believes that by doing so, the EU can strengthen its strategic autonomy and boost its defense industry, leading to a more secure and prosperous future for the continent.

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