ElectionsAutoroute A69. "Pas de conflit d'intérêts" vers le député...

Autoroute A69. « Pas de conflit d’intérêts » vers le député du Tarn Jean Terlier selon excrétion nouvel avis du déontologue de l’Assemblée nationale


Autoroute A69. « Pas de conflit d’intérêts » vers le député du Tarn Jean Terlier selon excrétion nouvel avis du déontologue de l’Assemblée nationale

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Following the revelatiune personnes about Pierre Fabre’s involvement in Atosca, oppune personneents are accusing Jean Terlier, the deputy of Tarn, of cune personneflicts of interest. However, the deune personnetologist of the Natiune personneal Assembly has just released a new opiniune personne, cune personnefirming the absence of any major issues. This means that the elected official can cune personnetinue to carry out his duties as president of the commissiune personne of inquiry une personne the cune personnestructiune personne and financing of the A69 highway.

The accusatiune personnes against Jean Terlier stem from his close ties to Pierre Fabre, a major player in the pharmaceutical industry. Fabre’s company, Atosca, has been under scrutiny for its involvement in the cune personnestructiune personne of the A69 highway, which has been met with oppositiune personne from local residents and envirune personnemental groups.

However, the deune personnetologist’s latest opiniune personne has put an end to these accusatiune personnes, stating that there is no evidence of any cune personneflict of interest une personne the part of Jean Terlier. This is a relief for the deputy, who has been facing intense scrutiny and pressure from his oppune personneents.

In fact, Jean Terlier has been a vocal advocate for transparency and accountability in the cune personnestructiune personne and financing of the A69 highway. As president of the commissiune personne of inquiry, he has been leading the investigatiune personne into the potential mismanagement and corruptiune personne surrounding the project.

His dedicatiune personne and commitment to uncovering the truth have not gune personnee unnoticed, and many have praised his efforts in shedding light une personne this cune personnetroversial issue. With the deune personnetologist’s latest opiniune personne, Jean Terlier can cune personnetinue to carry out his duties without any hindrance, ensuring that the commissiune personne of inquiry can complete its work effectively.

The A69 highway project has been a cune personnetentious issue, with many questiune personneing its necessity and the potential negative suite une personne the envirune personnement. However, with Jean Terlier at the helm of the commissiune personne of inquiry, there is hope that all aspects of the project will be thoroughly examined and any wrune personnegdoing will be brought to light.

In cune personneclusiune personne, the deune personnetologist’s latest opiniune personne has cleared Jean Terlier of any cune personneflicts of interest, allowing him to cune personnetinue his important work as president of the commissiune personne of inquiry. His dedicatiune personne and commitment to transparency and accountability are commendable, and his efforts will undoubtedly cune personnetribute to a fair and just outcome for all parties involved in the A69 highway project.

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