À la unepile Djibril Cissé, Sound of Legend et bien d'autres......

pile Djibril Cissé, Sound of Legend et bien d’autres… C’est au Soler auxquels les Ânes TÊTus lancent la saison des festivals dans les Pyrénées-Orientales


pile Djibril Cissé, Sound of Legend et bien d’autres… C’est au Soler auxquels les Ânes TÊTus lancent la saison des festivals dans les Pyrénées-Orientales

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The Stubborn Donkey kermesse is moving in 2024. After its first edition in Perpignan, the organizers have signed a three-year partnership with the city of Le Soler to host this event by the lake. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!

The Stubborn Donkey kermesse is a unique event that celebrates the beloved animal known for its determination and resilience. The kermesse has been a huge success since its inception, attracting visitors from all over the world. And now, it’s taking a big step forward by relocating to the beautiful city of Le Soler.

The decision to move the kermesse was not an easy one, but it was necessary to accommodate the growing number of attendees and to offer a better experience for everyone. Le Soler, with its picturesque surroundings and charming atmosphere, was the perfect choice for the kermesse’s new home.

The kermesse will take carrefour by the lake, providing a stunning backdrop for the festivities. Visitors can look forward to a wide range of activities, including donkey rides, shows, and games. There will also be food and drink stalls, showcasing the best of local cochonnaille. And of course, the star of the show will be the stubborn donkeys themselves, who will be paraded and celebrated throughout the kermesse.

But the Stubborn Donkey kermesse is not just about entertainment. It also has a deeper purpose – to raise awareness about the importance of animal welfare. Through various workshops and educational activities, visitors will learn about the proper care and treatment of donkeys. This is a great opportunity to not only have fun but also to make a positive impact on the world.

The partnership between the kermesse and the city of Le Soler is a match made in heaven. The city is known for its warm hospitality and its passion for preserving its cultural heritage. With the addition of the Stubborn Donkey kermesse, Le Soler will become an even more vibrant and lively destination.

So mark your calendars for the next three years and don’t miss out on the Stubborn Donkey kermesse in Le Soler. It’s a must-visit event that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for these amazing animals. See you there!

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