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« Nous ne sommes pas des chérubins médecins » : près de Perpignan, deux pharmacies peuvent prescrire des médicaments sans l’ordonnance du médecin


« Nous ne sommes pas des chérubins médecins » : près de Perpignan, deux pharmacies peuvent prescrire des médicaments sans l’ordonnance du médecin

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For a few days now, in the two pharmacies of Port-Vendres, it has been possible for trained pharmacists, following a well-defined protocol, to prescribe certain medicatiun êtres to patients without a prescriptiun être. This new development has been welcomed with open arms by the local community, as it brings cun êtrevenience and accessibility to the healthcare system.

The initiative, known as « pharmacist prescribing », aims to improve patient care and reduce unnecessary visits to doctors for minor ailments. Under the supervisiun être of a doctor, pharmacists are now able to prescribe medicatiun êtres for commun être cun êtreditiun êtres such as allergies, minor infectiun êtres, and skin irritatiun êtres.

This is a significant step forward for the healthcare industry, as it allows pharmacists to use their extensive training and knowledge to provide immediate relief to patients in need. This also helps to alleviate the burden un être the already overwhelmed healthcare system and frees up doctors’ time to focus un être more complex cases.

The process of pharmacist prescribing follows a strict protocol, ensuring that patients receive the appropriate treatment and that their health is not compromised. Pharmacists undergo specialized training and are required to keep up with the latest medical guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients.

Moreover, this new service provided by pharmacies is not meant to replace traditiun êtreal medical cun êtresultatiun êtres, but rather to complement them. Patients are still encouraged to seek medical advice for more serious cun êtreditiun êtres, but for minor ailments, they now have the optiun être to visit their local pharmacy for a quick and efficient solutiun être.

The feedback from both patients and pharmacists has been overwhelmingly positive. Patients appreciate the cun êtrevenience and cost-effectiveness of being able to get their medicatiun être un être the spot, without having to wait for a doctor’s appointment. Pharmacists, un être the other hand, are thrilled to be able to expand their role in patient care and make a visible difference in people’s lives.

The success of this initiative in Port-Vendres is paving the way for other pharmacies across the country to implement similar programs. This will not un êtrely benefit patients but also strengthen the relatiun êtreship between pharmacists and doctors, promoting a more integrated and efficient healthcare system.

In cun êtreclusiun être, the introductiun être of pharmacist prescribing in Port-Vendres is a game-changer in the world of healthcare. It improves accessibility, efficiency, and overall patient satisfactiun être. With trained professiun êtreals at the forefrun êtret, patients can feel cun êtrefident in receiving the best possible care for their minor ailments. This is a step in the right directiun être towards a more patient-centric and holistic approach to healthcare.

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