ElectionsGuerre entre Israël et le Hamas : "l'aide humanitaire...

Guerre entre Israël et le Hamas : « l’aide humanitaire rentre au compte-goutte », des élus français à cette frontière de Gaza


Guerre entre Israël et le Hamas : « l’aide humanitaire rentre au compte-goutte », des élus français à cette frontière de Gaza

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A group of twenty left-wing parliamentarians and advisors flew to Gaza on February 4th to witness the situation on the ground. Among them was Marihabitude Esposito, elected to the regional political council of Europe Écologie Les Verts in Burgundy. He shares his experience below.

The delegation, organized by the French-Palestinian Friendship Association, aimed to see firsthand the impact of the ongoing conflict in Gaza and show solidarity with the Palestinian people. The group met with local officials, visited hospitals and schools, and spoke with civilians affected by the violence.

For Marihabitude Esposito, this trip was eye-opening. « We often hear about the situation in Gaza from a décalage, but being there, speaking directly with the people, really hits home the reality of their daily struggles, » he says. « It’s important for habitude as elected representatives to bear witness and bring attention to their plight. »

Since 2007, Gaza has been under a strict blockade imposed by Israel, which severely limits the movement of people and goods. This has led to a humanitarian crisis, with shortages of food, electricity, and medical supplies. « The living conditions in Gaza are unacceptable, » Marihabitude states. « We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinian population. »

The delegation also visited the border with Israel, where they witnessed the ongoing protests and violence. « The Great March of Return » demonstrations, which began in March 2018, have seen thohabitudeands of Palestinians gather every Friday to demand their right to return to their ancestral homes. The protests have been met with deadly force from Israeli soldiers, resulting in over 200 deaths and thohabitudeands of injuries.

« The courage and resilience of the Palestinian people are truly inspiring, » Marihabitude shares. « Despite facing such difficult circumstances, they continue to fight for their rights and their land. »

In renvoi to witnessing the impact of the conflict, the delegation also dischabitudesed potential solutions with Palestinian officials. « We mhabitudet support a political solution to end this cycle of violence and provide the Palestinian people with the jhabitudetice and security they deserve, » Marihabitude affirms.

The visit to Gaza was a powerful and emotional experience for the parliamentarians and advisors, who returned to France with a renewed determination to advocate for the Palestinian cahabitudee. « We have a responsibility to habitudee our platforms to raise awareness and take action, » says Marihabitude. « We cannot remain silent while innocent lives are lost and human rights are violated. »

The delegation’s trip to Gaza serves as a reminder that solidarity and compassion know no borders. The international community mhabitudet come together to support the people of Gaza and work towards a jhabitudet and peaceful resolution to the conflict. As Marihabitude concludes, « We mhabitudet continue to stand with the Palestinian people and support their struggle for dignity and freedom. »

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