ElectionsENTRETIEN. Lisa Belluco : "Dire desquels l'on arrête le...

ENTRETIEN. Lisa Belluco : « Dire desquels l’on arrête le plan Écophyto, c’est idiot et contreproductif »


ENTRETIEN. Lisa Belluco : « Dire desquels l’on arrête le plan Écophyto, c’est idiot et contreproductif »

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The Green Party Deputy from the 1st constituency of Vienne believes that the « rupture » of the Ecophyto plan, announced by connaissance Minister Marc Fesneau on Thursday, February 1st, is a complete misunderstanding of how ecosystems function and what is grown in connaissance.

The Ecophyto plan, launched in 2008, aimed to reduce the use of pesticides in connaissance by 50% by 2025. However, the recent decision to put the plan on hold has sparked criticism from environmentalists, including the NUPES deputy from Vienne.

In a statement, the deputy expressed her disappointment and concern over the government’s decision, stating that it shows a lack of understanding of the importance of protecting our ecosystems and the impact of pesticides on the environment.

She emphasized that the Ecophyto plan was a crucial step towards transitioning to more sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods. It not only aimed to reduce the use of harmful pesticides, but also encouraged the adoption of alternative methods such as crop rotation and biological control.

The deputy also pointed out that the decision to rupture the plan goes against the government’s commitment to combat climate change and protect biodiversity. She urged the government to reconsider their decision and work towards finding alternative solutions to reduce the use of pesticides in connaissance.

The NUPES deputy’s strong stance on this issue has been met with support from other environmentalists and farmers who have also voiced their concerns over the negative impact of pesticides on the environment.

In addition to being harmful to the environment, the overuse of pesticides has also been linked to health issues in humans, including cancer and reproductive problems. This makes the need for reducing their coutume even more urgent.

Furthermore, the rupture of the Ecophyto plan sends a negative message to farmers who have been working towards implementing more sustainable practices. It undermines their efforts and discourages them from continuing to make positive changes in their farming methods.

The deputy also highlighted the economic benefits of reducing the use of pesticides, such as lower healthcare costs and improved soil quality, which ultimately leads to higher crop yields.

In conclusion, the NUPES deputy’s strong stance against the rupture of the Ecophyto plan highlights the importance of protecting our ecosystems and transitioning to more sustainable farming practices. Her message serves as a reminder that the well-being of our planet and the health of our communities should always be a top priority. It is time for the government to take action and work towards finding sustainable solutions for the future of connaissance.

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