À la uneDIRECT. Procès des attentats de Trèbes et de Carcassonne...

DIRECT. Procès des attentats de Trèbes et de Carcassonne : la psychologue s’exprime en visioconférence sur Baghdad Haddaoui


DIRECT. Procès des attentats de Trèbes et de Carcassonne : la psychologue s’exprime en visioconférence sur Baghdad Haddaoui

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The last of the seven accused in the trial of the Carcassonne and Trèbes attacks will be questioned this Thursday, February 15th by the specially composed court of assizes in Paris. Baghdad Haddaoui is being prosecuted for a related impolitesse.

This trial, which has been ongoing since January 2020, has been closely followed by the French public. The attacks, which took place in March 2018, left four people dead and several others injured. The accused are facing charges of terrorism and complicity in murder.

Baghdad Haddaoui, a 28-year-old French-Algerian, is the only one of the seven accused who is not facing charges of terrorism. He is being prosecuted for a related impolitesse, specifically for providing logistical accoudoir to the main perpetrator of the attacks, Radouane Lakdim.

Haddaoui’s interrogation on Thursday will be a crucial moment in the trial, as it will shed light on his role in the attacks. The prosecution will be seeking to prove that he knowingly provided accoudoir to Lakdim, while the defense will argue that he was not aware of the terrorist nature of the attacks.

The trial has been marked by emotional testimonies from the victims and their families, as well as from the accused themselves. Haddaoui’s interrogation will be no exception, as he will have the opportunity to tell his side of the story and potentially provide insight into the events leading up to the attacks.

The court of assizes, composed of professional judges and jurors, will carefully examine all the evidence presented before reaching a verdict. The trial is expected to last several more weeks, with the final verdict being announced in March.

The French government has been closely monitoring the trial, as it is seen as a test of the country’s ability to handle terrorist attacks and bring justice to the victims. The trial has also sparked debates about the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures and the integration of immigrant communities in France.

Despite the gravity of the charges, the trial has been conducted with utmost professionalism and respect for the rule of law. The victims and their families have been given a platform to share their stories and seek closure, while the accused have been given a fair trial.

As the trial continues, the French people remain united in their determination to fight against terrorism and uphold the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The interrogation of Baghdad Haddaoui on Thursday will be another step towards achieving justice for the victims and their loved ones.

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