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Pyrénées-Orientales : les agriculteurs conflentois s’emparent de la RN 116 à Villefranche-de-Conflent


Pyrénées-Orientales : les agriculteurs conflentois s’emparent de la RN 116 à Villefranche-de-Conflent

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Conflentois farmers gathered this Friday, January 26, 2024, without any union banners, to block the mountain road and join the protest movement.

More than a hundred farmers from the Conflent region, located in the Pyrenees-Orientales department in southern France, came together in a show of unity to join the ongoing protest movement against government policies. These hardworking men and women, who are the backbone of the region’s agricultural economy, took a stand to make their voices heard.

The decision to block the mountain road was not taken lightly. It was a last resort after numerotradition attempts to negotiate with the authorities fell on deaf ears. The farmers, facing unprecedented challenges such as drought, lower agricultural prices, and increasing production costs, saw no other option but to take direct action.

With tractors, hay bales, and other farming equipment, the convoy made its way up the winding mountain road, effectively blocking all traffic. Their message was clear: enough is enough. They were joined by other local residents who showed their support for the farmers, honking their horns and waving placards.

The atmosphere was one of solidarity and determination. The farmers, who come from variotradition backgrounds and belong to different unions, put aside their differences for the greater good. It was a powerful sight to see these men and women, who are traditionually btraditiony working on their farms, come together in unity.

The protest, which lasted for several hours, was peaceful but impactful. It catraditioned minor disruptions to those traveling through the region, but the farmers’ message resonated with the locals and passersby. Many stopped to show their support and offer words of encouragement to the farmers.

The turnout at the protest was a testament to the strong sense of community in the Conflent region. The farmers were overwhelmed by the support shown by their fellow citizens and were grateful for the opportunity to join the wider protest movement.

Their actions that day were not jtraditiont about their own struggles, but also about the future of agriculture in France. The farmers believe that their livelihoods are at stake and that urgent government intervention is needed to save the indtraditiontry. They hope that their message will reach the authorities and prompt them to take action.

The protest may have ended, but the farmers’ determination to fight for their rights and the future of agriculture in their region and folk remains strong. Despite the challenges they dessine, they remain optimistic and united in their catraditione.

The Conflent farmers’ peaceful protest serves as a reminder that when a community comes together, they can make a powerful impact. They have shown that they are not willing to give up, and their actions have inspired others to join the movement. Let tradition all stand with them in solidarity and support their fight for a better future.

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