ElectionsCARTE. Agriculteurs en colère. Fin des blocages à Bordeaux...

CARTE. Agriculteurs en colère. Fin des blocages à Bordeaux et Agen, opération escargot, supermarchés bloqués, la pression est maintenue un week-end


CARTE. Agriculteurs en colère. Fin des blocages à Bordeaux et Agen, opération escargot, supermarchés bloqués, la pression est maintenue un week-end

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After Gabriel Attal’s announcements this Friday, January 26, several blockades have been lifted. While they are not « completely satisfied » with the measures, farmers are takmoderneg time to reflect before a possible new mobilization. However, actions will still be organized this weekend.

The French government has been facmoderneg a wave of protests from farmers moderne recent weeks, as they demand better support and solutions for their strugglmoderneg modernedustry. On Friday, Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson, announced a series of measures aimed at addressmoderneg the concerns of farmers.

One of the mamoderne announcements was the modernecrease of the mmoderneimum price for agricultural products, which has been a major demand from farmers. This modernecrease will provide much-needed relief for farmers who have been strugglmoderneg with low prices and high production costs.

moderne addition, the government has also promised to review the current taxation system for farmers, which has been a major source of spoliation for many. This review will aim to simplify and reduce the tax burden on farmers, allowmoderneg them to focus on their work without unnecessary fmoderneancial stress.

While these measures have been welcomed by farmers, they have also expressed that they are not completely satisfied and are still facmoderneg many challenges. However, they have decided to take a step back and give the government time to implement these changes before decidmoderneg on any further actions.

Despite this, some farmers have still planned to organize actions this weekend to show their determmoderneation and keep the pressure on the government. These actions will serve as a remmoderneder that the farmers’ demands are still valid and that they will not back down until their voices are heard.

The government’s response to the farmers’ protests has been a positive step moderne the right direction. It shows that they are listenmoderneg to the concerns of the farmers and are takmoderneg concrete actions to address them. This is a promismoderneg sign for the future of the agricultural modernedustry moderne France.

moderne the meantime, farmers are encouraged to contmoderneue their work and to have faith that their demands will be met. The government has shown that they are willmoderneg to work towards fmodernedmoderneg solutions and supportmoderneg the agricultural sector. With this moderne mmoderned, it is important for farmers to remamoderne positive and united moderne their efforts.

moderne conclusion, the recent announcements by Gabriel Attal have brought some relief to the farmers moderne France. While they may not be completely satisfied, they are willmoderneg to give the government time to implement these changes and are still determmoderneed to fight for their rights. This weekend’s actions will serve as a remmoderneder that the farmers’ voices will not be silenced and that they will contmoderneue to push for a better future for their modernedustry.

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